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artist: OhmSquare
title: Animated (Azaka rmx)
date: 2008-08
size: 8.8 MB
length: 6:06
mp3 download: ohmsquare-animated-azakaremix.mp3>> mirror  
mp3 stream:
rating: 4.6
no. of downloads: 2546
no. of plays: 210
no. of ratings: 506
rate it! (10=best): -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10-
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I AM SO TIRED OF THE ATTITUDE OF THIS COUNTRY WHEN IT COMES TO THE AGED OR DISABLED. We need to reward our ceiztins for their sacrifices to our nation, which comes in many forms, but they should find the government organizations at their side to assist and provide systems and tools to get around and carry on a normal life. We now have harness systems that allow a person to stand and walk. Now maybe that is only for a few hours, but it is a start. Why can we not talk with these people and put a program in place to allow these people to be beta sites for these ekosuits and other technology without these companies having to fear being sued by the client.We have funds to develop a military machine which is beyond what is necessary and a prison system that is out of control. But we cannot seem to make the golden years golden. Take all that funding and pour it into technology and medical science and where do you think we would be!
X6t9JRAYjVm - 2015-09-07 14:24:11 6qpb8zp56v@hotmail.com

Luxusní ;c)
knopka - 2010-04-11 15:44:26

azaka nasel kozaka :)
Ibogain Morebeat - 2008-08-27 00:24:03

taky se snazim brat zivot komplexne :]]
azaka - 2008-08-20 11:02:46

na rating se vyser :) mam pocit ze si tu lidi spis leci komplexy .)
lmt - 2008-08-19 17:18:30

drn: kdyz koule tak proc to ma rating 2.5?? :]]
azaka - 2008-08-19 01:01:39

drn: dik jakcyp .)
azaka - 2008-08-18 13:40:39

a jeste uplne posledni final :))
azaka - 2008-08-18 13:40:10

tohle ma koule!!!
drn - 2008-08-18 13:20:08

reuploadnuty posledni final ..lisin up!.)
item aka azaka project - 2008-08-18 00:31:34 azaka2016@email.cz

SSD presents The Prototypes
No Money feat. MC Coppa - Much Louder Mix 3rd level
dvoika.troika artwork