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artist: Junkett>> profile  
title: 2 Kotatka na vylete do Vitkovic a Zpet (clip)
date: 2005-12
size: 6,42 MB
length: 4:40
mp3 download: junkett_naladova.mp3
mp3 stream:
rating: 4.2
no. of downloads: 3511
no. of plays: 118
no. of ratings: 319
rate it! (10=best): -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10-
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Question (and I'm asking this prluey objectively not as a person who feels they have a strong opinion on this topic yet):If it is a sure thing that the re-title structure will collapse in the very near future, surely then the re-title libraries are aware of this pending doom ..So why is it, then, that they are going about business as usual, signing new artists and building their catalogs? Maybe they know something we don't? Or are they being delusional?
DtFInGlnSWZ - 2015-09-09 07:58:24 flgr1pge5g@outlook.com

GI8QNH , [url=http://nfzwefhozoif.com/]nfzwefhozoif[/url], [link=http://bbaaweapyxhx.com/]bbaaweapyxhx[/link], http://zxbxemxpuhpz.com/
VsOLDjdkNX - 2012-10-02 13:33:46 ncdjoc@vqcqhy.com

zajimave :) .. hele, jednou sem nekde prisel k tracku Universal a jeste jeden Alewobskitheme-nebo tak nejak podobne.. tady nikde nejsou, ani nikde jinde, mam je jeste doma a muzu rict ze ty dva rozhodne patri k nejlepsim kouskum ..
goofee - 2010-10-25 09:14:22

komikun - 2006-09-15 20:54:54 komikun@gmail.com

sqvely sound of dover ghetto! jen tak dal kemo
phi3k - 2006-02-15 12:13:26

sweet tune!
n.one - 2006-01-05 14:40:59

tak a konecne track, ktery rika, ze dvoika troika neni jen o dnb ... prijemna basa a deep chill atmosfera
virgee - 2005-12-27 02:12:59

vklidu!ten zvuk...je znat zazemi;]chtelo by to nake 4MAlity,chysta se neco?
mtz - 2005-12-08 14:42:23

SSD presents The Prototypes
No Money feat. MC Coppa - Much Louder Mix 3rd level
dvoika.troika artwork