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artist: Flu>> profile  
title: Vanishing Life Mix
date: 2006-05
size: 68,00
length: 70:29
release: promo mix
mp3 download: Flu_Vanishing_Life.mp3>> mirror  
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rating: 4.7
no. of downloads: 4264
no. of plays: 94
no. of ratings: 501
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Always look at things from a diferfent prospective:It may be good to get sick once in a while:Get sick so you have a chance to recalibrate your anti-bodies! Annual Training Exercise for your blood cells.Force you to take a break from your normal routine we all need that to balance our life.Get sick so you have a chance to control your diet for a while you may be eating too much. Let the digestive system rest for a little while (tune-up time)We are so busy and so tie up with our normal routine, and so focus on so-called make a good living (or making $$). A lot of times we lose focus of what is the primary objective to be on earth to live a good life, right? But we end up ruin our bodies because we don't eat right (like instant noodle); get into arguments because we lost out temper, forgot how to forgive; driving ourselves crazy/get mad for some trivial stuff with no reason; we stay up all night and doesn't allow the body to rest; keep looking back at those that we cannot changed anymore IS that something wrong here? It is good to get sick so you are being forced to slow down and think about all these while you are in bed. To allow you to slow down and look around, to appreciate and to realize, there are so many people who walk next to you, behind you, but beyond your eyesight, who care about you. You are not alone.Get well, when you are done with your thinking and get control of your life ..get sick is good sometimes .Don't we all need to be positive anyhow?
7P6qO7fgJ - 2015-09-07 08:48:18 lclrqmx7t@gmail.com

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KQDBMrElSBGRnVVLExU - 2012-10-02 14:10:23 shkfti@xykvsk.com

cJmHzd npgczhhnfaqt
JAshYZUEZfLBqmTfAa - 2012-10-02 08:44:08 dxrpch@lnputq.com

Tak timto setikem mne zrovinka Flu zklamal.Jsem zvykli na lepsi veci od neho.tak 100x lepsi :(
drum.n.bass - 2007-05-07 17:42:20

skoda ze to je jen v 128kbps, je to slyset a to ze to je pak menci jako vyhodu moc nevidim.
freon - 2007-02-03 18:36:58

sweet as fuck... thanx
miLLer - 2006-11-22 22:33:12

zajimavy setik :) dobry mixy, desky, energie.... nuže, jen tak dal ;)
rymac - 2006-06-08 11:44:43

jj prvni deska exelentni!!! clovek si to proste musi poslechnout cele :) a je to good...vic takovych setiku!
shotone - 2006-06-07 20:33:06

Gut jak cyp kemo!
toho prvniho kemala zboznuju!
Junk - 2006-06-06 12:57:47

HONDE povedeny vyber desek a mixy, fakt moc pekny :) dik
T3RMiX - 2006-06-06 09:20:17

admin - 2006-06-04 00:15:28

'si to davam do usi a cejtim ze zvoleny tracky a pevny mixy pekne vytazeny a dopilovany z dilnicky tvoriveho deskotoce Fluea. Diky!
sHeeP - 2006-06-03 04:06:39 sheep2@atlas.cz

Dj Flu - Vanishing Life

1. Kemal & Dresden Codex ? Glimpse Of Truth
2. Zahid ? Gaza Strip
3. The Upbeats ? Lost Once
4. Genetix ? Structures (Future Prophecies RMX)
5. The Upbeats ? Lick A Demon
6. Verse ? Jazz Effect
7. Tactile ? Incline
8. Zahid ? Sahara
9. Corrupt Souls & Submerged ? Fall With Me
10. Mathematics & Tactile ? Rub A Dub
11. SKC & Bratwa ? Prophecy
12. Commix ? Urban Legend
13. Kaos, Karl K & Jae Kennedy ? Heatseeker
14. The Alternative ? Faster Than Light
15. Noisia ? Brainstitch
16. Infiltrata ? Voodoo Skull
17. The Upbeats ? Oiled Up
18. Mayhem & Psidream ? Unsung
19. Matt U & Jade ? Stars
20. Psidream & Pacific ? Hazardous
21. Drifter ? Deeper Love
22. Calyx ? Just You
23. Alliance ? Mi Gente

jo a ta vec je The Alternative - Faster Than Light...
flu - 2006-05-31 20:46:36

Je to mazzec.Akorat bych chcel videt tracklist.Nebo muzete mi negdo rict od koho je ten val co vali priblizne od 38 minuty do tak asi 41?Dikec
majkl - 2006-05-31 08:27:41

libová rychtička.
M.I.L.E.K. - 2006-05-26 11:50:06

Je to fakt nadupanýýýýý, moc , moc dobrýýýý. Smekám:-)
palca - 2006-05-23 17:24:36

zoom - 2006-05-20 04:27:23

BIG up for Dj FLU
C.phone aka NoMoney - 2006-05-19 16:31:36

nazdar flu tak tenhe set má grády rpostě bomba je to prostě našlapaný nejvíc a ukaž další setík jo a pozdravuj celou 23 bandičku
venca 23 - 2006-05-19 15:48:20 Venca23.hfs@seznam.cz

absolutní luxus mistře! bigup!
item - 2006-05-18 13:20:42

SSD presents The Prototypes
No Money feat. MC Coppa - Much Louder Mix 3rd level
dvoika.troika artwork